PoliTo projects
This page contains a list of resources created while attending courses at Politecnico di Torino. They are grouped by year.
Master’s Degree first year
- DataBase Management Systems (DBMS)
- Computer Architectures (CAs)
- Laboratories done during the course. This also features and
folder with an audio experiment.
- Laboratories done during the course. This also features and
- Optimization Methods and Algorithms (OMA): A project for the VRPTW problem with fixed fleet size. Given the jsprit library, we added constraints to find solutions with a predetermined number of vehicles.
- System and Devices Programming (SDP)
- Programmazione di Sistema
- Distributed Programming I
- Formal Languages and Compilers
Master’s Degree second year
- Distributed Programming II
- Project and Laboratory on Communication Systems: A project for barcode processing using .NET Micro Framework. The prototype allows users to add products in a self-checkout scenario, using barcodes.
- Applicazioni Internet: An internet application, based on AngularJS for the frontend and on Spring webservices for the backend, which provides services related to public transportation giving access to buslines, path calculation and chat on some predefiend topics.