First author

This section contains the publications where I am the first author.


  • Mensio M., Alani H., Willis A. (June 2020) One Event, Different Stories. In Postgraduate Research Poster Competition 2020, The Open University [Multimedia entry (ORO)] [Poster (ORO)]
  • Mensio M., Willis A., Alani H. (April 2020) Towards a Cross-article Narrative Comparison of News. In Third International Workshop on Narrative Extraction from Texts held in conjunction with the 42nd European Conference on Information Retrieval (Text2Story2020 @ ECIR2020) [Full text (ORO)] [Full text (CEUR)] [Presentation slides]
  • Mensio M., Bastianelli E., Tiddi I., Rizzo G. (March 2020) Mitigating Bias in Deep Nets with Knowledge Bases: the Case of Natural Language Understanding for Robots. In AAAI 2020 Spring Symposium on Combining Machine Learning with Knowledge Engineering [Full text (CEUR)]



  • Mensio M., Bastianelli E., Tiddi I., Rizzo G. (October 2018) A Multi-layer LSTM-based Approach for Robot Command Interaction Modeling. In (IROS2018) Workshop on Language and Robotics [Poster] [Full text (arXiv)] [Presentation slides]
  • Mensio M., Rizzo G., Morisio M. (April 2018) The Rise of Emotion-aware Conversational Agents: Threats in Digital Emotions . In (WWW) Re-coding Black Mirror Lyon, France [Full text (ACM)] [Full text (ResearchGate)] [Presentation slides]
  • Mensio M., Rizzo G., Morisio M. (April 2018) Multi-turn QA: A RNN Contextual Approach to Intent Classification for Goal-oriented Systems. In (WWW2018) 1st International Workshop on Hybrid Question Answering with Structured and Unstructured Knowledge (HQA) Lyon, France [Full text (ACM)] [Full text (ResearchGate)] [Presentation slides]

Other publications

Here are listed other public works which can be papers where I am not the first author, or other types of publications such as blog posts, deliverables, or presentations without a paper attached.

Papers not first-authored

  • Reyero Lobo P., Mensio M., Pavon-Perez A., Bayer V., Kwarteng J., Fernandez M., Daga E., Alani H. (June 2022) Estimating Ground Truth in a Low-labelled Data Regime: A Study of Racism Detection in Spanish. In (ICWSM-22) st Workshop on Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems on Social Media (NEATCLasS) [Full text (ICWSM)]
  • Denaux R., Mensio M., Gomez-Perez J., Alani H. (August 2021) Weaving a Semantic Web of Credibility Reviews for Explainable Misinformation Detection. In Thirtieth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21) [Full text (ORO)] [Full text (IJCAI)]
  • Piccolo L., Blackwood A., Farrell T., Mensio M. (July 2021) Agents for Fighting Misinformation Spread on Twitter: Design Challenges. In 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI 2021) [Full text (ORO)] [Full text (ACM)]
  • Burel G., Farrell T., Mensio M., Khare P., Alani H. (October 2020) Co-Spread of Misinformation and Fact-Checking Content during the Covid-19 Pandemic. In (SocInfo 2020) Social Informatics 2020 [Full text (ORO)] [Full text (Springer)]
  • Piccolo L., Mensio M., Alani H. (October 2018) Chasing the Chatbots: Directions for Interaction and Design Research. In (INSCI 2018) CONVERSATIONS Workshop [Full text (Springer)] [Full text (ORO)]
  • Tiddi I., Bastianelli E., Mensio M., Motta E. (October 2018) Allowing Exploratory Search from Podcasts: the Case of Secklow Sounds Radio. In (ISWC 2018) Posters and Demos [Full text (CEUR)]

Other contributions

  • Mensio M., Farrell T. (October 2019) Truth and Trust Online Conference report. On Co-Inform blog [blog post]
  • Mensio M., Piccolo L., Farrell T. (May 2019) Combating misinformation: the importance of human judgement. On Co-Inform blog [blog post]
  • Tracie F., Mensio M., Burel G., Piccolo L., Alani H. (March 2019) Survey of Misinformation Detection Methods. Deliverable for the Co-Inform project [Deliverable 3.2]
  • Mensio M., Piccolo L., Alani H. (December 2018) Trust and Explainability in Language Understanding. In (HAI2018) Measuring and Designing Trust workshop [Presentation slides]